Vendor Security Management

Leviathan works with the largest organizations in the world to ensure that their vendors are secure and that they feel confident in their vendors handling of cybersecurity, compliance, operational, and reputational risks.

How Leviathan Helps You Secure Your Supply Chain:

Create a third-party security policy

Establish your third-party security program

Discover your complete list of vendors

Prepare assessment questionniares based on trusted cybersecurity frameworks

Assess your vendors’ security posture

Track vulnerabilities and issues across your vendor ecosystem

Share mitigation strategies with you and your vendors

Review compliance reports

Regularly follow up with your vendors to ensure continuous improvement

Nearly two-thirds of all security breaches begin with a vulnerability in your vendor’s environment.

More than half of firms do not thoroughly vet their third party’s security and privacy procedures before allowing them access to sensitive and personal data.

Your Entire Vendor Onboarding Process Is Taken Care Of

What Leviathan does so you don’t have to:

  • Clearly defining each vendor’s responsibilities within their contract is essential. This ensures alignment, accountability, and adherence to agreed-upon terms. Contracts should address security measures, data protection, and compliance requirements.

  • Vendor security management highlights the importance of security awareness and training for both internal staff and vendors. It emphasizes the need for clear communication about security expectations and responsibilities.

  • Effective vendor security management ensures that vendors comply with regulatory requirements, contractual obligations, and industry standards. Non-compliance can lead to legal consequences, reputational damage, and financial penalties. By proactively managing compliance risks, your organization maintains public trust and avoids legal repercussions.

  • Vendor incidents (e.g., data breaches at a vendor) can directly affect an organization. Effective incident management includes processes for handling vendor-related incidents. Changes related to vendor systems (e.g., software updates provided by vendors) must follow the change management process. Properly managed changes reduce the risk of introducing vulnerabilities or disruptions due to vendor-related updates.

  • By identifying potential risks and threats, your organization gains insights into vulnerabilities. These risks can include operational challenges (such as vendor performance issues, supply chain disruptions, and technology failures), compliance violations, and financial instability due to vendor-related issues.

  • People operations and vendor security management intersect through training, onboarding, incident response, and relationship-building. These collaborative efforts contribute to a secure and productive organizational environment, enhancing cyber maturity and reducing overall risk for both employees and vendors.

  • Vendor security management is closely intertwined with third-party security and privacy. When organizations engage third-party vendors for services or technology, they introduce new risks to their data security and privacy. Compliance with data protection laws (such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation — GDPR) applies to both vendors and organizations.

  • During onboarding, organizations assess not only digital security but also physical security measures of vendors. This includes evaluating their facilities, visitor policies, and access controls. Regular assessments extend to physical security aspects. Organizations track vendors’ adherence to both digital and physical security requirements.

  • Organizations hold vendors accountable for maintaining robust network security practices. Vendors often require network access for collaboration, data exchange, or system integration. Implementing robust network security controls ensures that vendor connections are secure and monitored.

  • Client endpoint security focuses on securing devices (such as laptops, desktops, and mobile devices) used by employees and vendors. Ensuring robust endpoint security—covering antivirus, firewalls, encryption, and regular updates—protects against cyber threats.

  • Server or critical system security focuses on securing internal servers, databases, and essential infrastructure. Robust security measures—such as access controls, encryption, regular patching, and intrusion detection—are essential to protect critical systems from cyber threats.

Why every company needs to assess their vendors:

Mitigate Risks

Third-party vendors play a critical role in modern business operations. However, their involvement also introduces potential risks. Vendor security management is the key to minimizing these risks. By assessing and monitoring vendors’ security practices, organizations can safeguard their data, systems, and reputation. Trustworthy partnerships begin with robust security measures.

Ensure you and your vendors are compliant and meet regulatory requirements

When it comes to working with vendors, regulatory compliance is paramount. Make sure both you and your vendors adhere to industry-specific laws and regulations. By doing so, you safeguard your business, avoid penalties, and maintain trust with your stakeholders.

Know that your data is kept safe and private

Our robust vendor management process ensures that vendors deliver their services in compliance with your privacy and data security requirements. We contractually obligate third-party vendors to implement reasonable and appropriate safeguards, and we diligently monitor their compliance. Rest assured that your sensitive information is handled with the utmost care and protection.

Reduce the risk of operational downtime

Our proactive approach ensures that critical systems remain available and reliable. By investing in redundancy, conducting routine maintenance, and closely monitoring systems, we mitigate the impact of unexpected disruptions. With robust disaster recovery plans and business continuity practices, we safeguard your operations, minimize costs, and maximize protection against downtime

Protect your brand and reputation

Trust is a fundamental component of every decision customers make. Your brand’s reputation directly influences this trust. From managing online interactions to addressing negative reviews, we ensure your brand maintains a positive image.

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